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- ;
- ; Mplayer subtitle font description file - HighreS ONE
- ; font created by a'rpi & chass
- ; .desc created by chass
- ; .cz support by Jindrich Kolorenc (kolorenc@fzu.cz)
- ; -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
- ;
- ;
- ; This file contains the data for Mplayer to build up the font
- ; table from the bitmap files. These fonts are used for the OSD
- ; (On Screen Display) and for the subtitles.
- ;
- ;
- ; A few words for the novice user about the fonts:
- ; -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
- ;
- ; Mplayer uses antialiased bitmap fonts, which look far better
- ; then the TTF rendering used by other players. A letter consists
- ; of two main parts: the Bitmap and the Alpha chanel. The bitmap
- ; is what you see on the screen, and the Aplha chanel makes the
- ; Font fade smoothly ito the background. And in this font we use
- ; the alpha to get a smooth black outline of the letters, which
- ; makes them visible even on white areas of the movie.
- ;
- ; Mplayer needs at least two seperate 8bit/pixel format bitmap
- ; files and a .desc file to be able to use the font. One of the
- ; files is the bitmap the other is the alpha. The .desc (like this
- ; one) gives Mplayer the information needed to convert a bitmap
- ; to characters. But the .desc allows to use more bitmap and alpha
- ; files: this feature is useful when one wants to add local language
- ; support for the subtitles.
- ;
- ; -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
- ;
- ;
- ; [1],File layout: the file consists of several sections,
- ; the sections are marked like [XXX] where XXX is the section
- ; name. The three main sections:
- ;
- ; [info]: gives general information about the font, like the
- ; version of the .desc, the author's name and general
- ; rendering options like kerning.
- ;
- ; [files] & [characters] : they go togeather, they describe
- ; the place of characters in the bitmap.
- ; Up to 16 is allowed per .desc
- ;
- ; [2],The variables:
- ;
- ; [info]
- ; name string name of the font, and misc information
- ; desc int Version of this file
- ; spacewidth int num of pixels for #32
- ; charspace int the distance between chars
- ; height int the distance between rows
- ; [files]
- ; alpha string name of alpha map file
- ; bitmap string name of bitmap file
- ; [character]
- ; string int int the positon of a character
- ;
- ;
- ; MPlayer can build up it's font table from up to 16*2 files (16 bitmap
- ; and 16 alpha channels).
- ;
- ;-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
- ;informations about the font
- [info]
- ;the author and other stuff
- name "HighreS ONE - created by A'rpi and cHaSS - pre-alpha version"
- ;version number of the file (if greater than version MPlayer can
- ;handle, then ignores the unknown variables)
- descversion 1
- ;the length of #32 in pixels
- spacewidth 13
- ;the distance between chars. the alpha renderer can handle
- ;negative numbers too
- charspace -2
- height 26
- ;-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
- ;file section
- [files]
- ;the name of the alpha file used for the next [characters]
- ;section
- alpha arpi_a.raw
- ;the name of the bitmap file used for the next [characters]
- ;section
- bitmap arpi_b.raw
- ;-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
- ;the description of the characters:
- ;each row specifies one character: first, the char (between " or ')
- ;then the x-coordinate of the beginning and the end.
- [characters]
- "A" 3 21
- "B" 26 42
- "C" 47 64
- "D" 70 87
- "E" 92 107
- "F" 114 128
- "G" 133 152
- "H" 158 174
- "I" 180 186
- "J" 192 204
- "K" 210 227
- "L" 232 245
- "M" 250 269
- "N" 275 292
- "O" 297 316
- "P" 321 337
- "Q" 342 361
- "R" 366 383
- "S" 388 404
- "T" 409 426
- "U" 430 447
- "V" 451 469
- "W" 473 497
- "X" 501 516
- "Y" 521 539
- "Z" 542 559
- "a" 563 577
- "b" 582 597
- "c" 601 614
- "d" 618 632
- "e" 637 652
- "f" 656 666
- "g" 669 683
- "h" 688 702
- "i" 707 713
- "j" 716 724
- "k" 730 743
- "l" 748 754
- "m" 759 779
- "n" 784 797
- "o" 802 817
- "p" 822 836
- "q" 840 854
- "r" 860 869
- "s" 873 886
- "t" 890 899
- "u" 904 917
- "v" 922 935
- "w" 939 958
- "x" 962 975
- "y" 979 993
- "z" 997 1011
- "1" 1016 1026
- "2" 1034 1047
- "3" 1053 1066
- "4" 1071 1085
- "5" 1091 1104
- "6" 1109 1123
- "7" 1128 1142
- "8" 1147 1160
- "9" 1166 1180
- "0" 1185 1198
- "'" 1203 1209
- '"' 1214 1224
- "+" 1229 1243
- "!" 1249 1255
- "?" 1261 1275
- "%" 1280 1300
- "/" 1305 1314
- "=" 1319 1333
- "(" 1338 1347
- ")" 1352 1361
- "," 1367 1372
- ";" 1379 1385
- ":" 1392 1397
- "." 1404 1411
- "-" 1416 1426
- "<" 1431 1445
- ">" 1450 1464
- "#" 1468 1484
- "&" 1488 1505
- "@" 1510 1533
- "{" 1538 1548
- "}" 1552 1562
- "[" 1566 1575
- "]" 1579 1587
- "$" 1590 1608
- [files]
- alpha arpi_osd_a.raw
- bitmap arpi_osd_b.raw
- [characters]
- ;-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
- ;Symbols for the OSD
- ; range form 01 to 1F
- ;play
- 0x01 0 36
- ;pause
- 0x02 35 71
- ;stop
- 0x03 70 106
- ;rewind
- 0x04 116 152
- ;fast forward
- 0x05 164 200
- ;clock symbol for the OSD
- 0x06 209 245
- ;contrast
- 0x07 256 292
- ;stauration
- 0x08 305 342
- ;volume
- 0x09 354 400
- ;brightness
- 0x0A 407 442
- ;Hue
- 0x0B 457 494
- ;-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
- ;OSD progress bar characters
- ;
- [files]
- alpha arpi_progress_a.raw
- bitmap arpi_progress_b.raw
- [characters]
- ; [ character
- 0x10 4 21
- ; | character
- 0x11 30 41
- ; ] character
- 0x12 50 66
- ; . char
- 0x13 74 85
- ;-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
- ;hungarian character specifications
- ;
- [files]
- alpha arpi_hun_a.raw
- bitmap arpi_hun_b.raw
- [characters]
- "┴" 4 21
- "╔" 26 42
- "╙" 47 66
- "╓" 71 89
- "╒" 94 113
- "┌" 119 135
- "▄" 141 157
- "█" 164 180
- "ß" 186 199
- "Θ" 204 218
- "≤" 223 237
- "÷" 242 256
- "⌡" 261 275
- "·" 280 293
- "ⁿ" 299 312
- "√" 318 331
- "φ" 351 365
- ;-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
- ;czech character specifications
- ;
- [files]
- alpha cz_a.raw
- bitmap cz_b.raw
- [characters]
- "╪" 2 19
- "═" 24 29
- "⌐" 35 51
- "«" 55 70
- "½" 75 89
- "╚" 93 110
- "▌" 115 131
- "┘" 136 152
- "╥" 158 173
- ;"┌" already defined in hungarian
- "╠" 179 194
- "╧" 199 216
- ;"┴" already defined in hungarian
- ;"╔" already defined in hungarian
- ;"╙" already defined in hungarian
- "°" 221 230
- ;"φ" 234 241
- "╣" 245 258
- "╛" 262 275
- "╗" 278 290
- "Φ" 293 306
- "²" 310 323
- "∙" 327 340
- "≥" 345 358
- ;"·" already defined in hungarian
- "∞" 362 376
- "∩" 381 397
- ;"ß" already defined in hungarian
- ;"Θ" already defined in hungarian
- ;"≤" already defined in hungarian